Sooooo excited to report that my band, Fran Pitre and Class Act is back to performing live after a 7 month break! I won’t be blogging about all of our upcoming performances on this site, but for this first one we performed at a local venue that warmly welcomed us, and so did the house! I cannot begin to express how happy I am to get the band back on stage!
For anyone interested in following my musical journey and upcoming events, please visit: and follow my band page on facebook at
Thank you for understanding how incredibly JOYFUL this opportunity is for this mom! Please remember to follow your dreams when the time is right. Remember that our dreams weren’t given to us by mistake.
Once the kids began school, I jumped into the volunteer helper role pretty quickly because I wanted to stay active and close to them. I was a homeroom mom several years for several grades helping their teachers with activities such as projects and field trips. I volunteered in the cafeteria, helped with fundraisers large and small, and from pre-K through high school, I was happy to use my creativity to help both our schools and our church as the yearbook committee chairperson and as a member of our church choir.
With the passage of time and the growing up of my kids, plus the added aspect of this crazy world where everything feels off, imbalanced and full of so much confusion, I felt a pull to reenter a ministry that I hadn’t been actively involved in for years: that being the PRO-LIFE movement.
For years prior to our having a family, Bruce and I were actively involved as trained counselors at a crisis pregnancy center in Northern Virginia. Over the years as our family grew, I would step in to help with office and newsletter work at our local center here in Jacksonville, but I hadn’t stayed consistently involved having been so busy with our young children. But the time felt right to put myself back in the role of pro-life counselor. I contacted our local center, met with the director and some of the other staff members, became familiar with recent industry practices and protocols, and read up on everything. I went through training and shadowing of other counselors and then began to help women in crisis
What an honor and humbling experience this decision has been. Many people that come to our center are simply in need of a proof of pregnancy form signed by a healthcare professional so that she can apply for Medicaid. But, as expected, many come in out of fear that they are facing an overwhelming situation that was not expected.
As counselors, we are faces and voices of nonjudgmental people who understand, who listen, the repeat back what our clients are telling us so they know that they are being heard and understood. We assure each person who has come to us for help that she is safe, she is validated, supported and she is not alone. We offer a vast amount of information and resources for her to make an INFORMED DECISION if she is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Each person is completely individual in social and health situation, history, family dynamic and either family support or lack thereof. Ultimately, we provide food for thought and enough support that decisions can be made. Faith is a component of our counseling session if the client has expressed religious beliefs while we talk about her options.
This role is difficult and wonderful at the same time. It’s frightening. Before entering the counseling room each time, I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide my words. I pray for each client and for the baby she is carrying. I am in awe and very humbled that God can use me as his instrument to help another woman in need. For now, I will volunteer a full day, once per week, and we’ll see where this may lead.
Well, it’s been a year, folks! And here we are, one year since the start of spring break 2020 when so many questions were flying around about what was going on … what were we all going to do? Would we keep the kids home from school for a while? What about our jobs? How long was all of this going to last? Sigh. You know what I mean.
Just like everyone else, we just didn’t know what was out in front of us. There were so many questions, and there was so much to worry about.
If you keep up with my blog or if you scroll down and catch up, you’ll learn that we experienced COVID-19 in this family in a very serious way … just as so many families did. And in the beginning, we all felt stopped in our tracks, stunted, somewhat paralyzed and all harboring a constant level of fear and worry.
But as time went by, the Pitre family started to breathe and decided to stretch our legs, open our windows, and get back into life.
Never intending to debate political items on this blog (or anywhere, really … it’s not my thing), my take on wearing masks have never been one of “YES”, and the reason for that stems from my life as an asthmatic and from my knowledge and education in an aspect of medical field with focus on health and wellness. Our bodies were created to breathe, and not to live behind pieces of cloth that prevent sufficient and healthy oxygen intake and which cause us to breathe in our own bacteria, causing respiratory and pulmonary disease. However, my family and I complied with the safety mandates issued for protection out of respect for other people, businesses we entered, and so on. I absolutely was not (and am still not) a fan of long-term wear for health reason of the wearer, which was one reason I kept my youngest boys (our 3rd twin set) home from school all last fall.
But, time proved that our boys needed to return to school for both academic (Benjamin) and social (Sean) reasons. I know our college kids Erin and Brandon have had a touch time maneuvering college classes completely online, sometimes not moderated by any teacher or professor at all.
So our youngest boys returned to school after Christmas break, and have been doing very well. I try to put the image of them in masks all day out of my mind. I wash their reusable supply of masks each night in hospital strength antiseptic, and then let a hot dryer kill any remaining bacteria. So far, so good!
So, as we rounded the turn of 2020 to 2021, we exhaled and knew that somehow we’d all get through these very challenging and unique times in our lives. I do look back on 2020 and, although I really didn’t know what was all going to come of this global situation, I’m proud of how most people, once the shock had worn off, went on with life. And so did we.We adjusted … my husband Bruce is still very busily working from home as an architect and project manager of many local hospital projects and attending several meetings per week; the kids are all thriving through the school year; boy scout meetings, projects and camping trips have continued; our middle twin set, Erin and Brandon have each started new jobs; I’ve picked up some consistent contract-based graphic design work for extra income, I’ve studio recorded my updated book TWINS x 3 to be produced as an audiobook hopefully in about a year, and I survived 2 spontaneous shoulder dislocations and a third surgery and extensive rehab on that shoulder. Oh, and my music collaborator Kenny and I completed and released a second album of original music in Nov 2020.
Life continues to go on, and when the bouts of confusion, frustration and disappointment with interruptions occur, I just take a breath, pray for continued discernment, wisdom and the TRUTH, and most of all rely on my firm belief that God has all of this.
We all feel very secure and blessed. Yes, very blessed.
Yes, very blessed.
Life is meant to be lived, come what may. Get out into it. Breathe.
We are sooooo fortunate to live so close to the coast … only 7 miles from the beaches, and oh yes, we enjoy them all year round.
I was so excited when my kids agreed to work on one of the songs on the music album that was released just a few months ago. During 2020, the music always continued. The music performing was very stop and go, hit or miss, but my co-writer and I worked hard and put out a second album in November 2020. I’ve also been working on my updated book’s audio book recording. Completing that project will be jumping to the top of my project priority list soon!
In 2019, I wrote a song called “JUST LIKE THAT” … that life can change in the blink of an eye, but together, we can face anything. How appropriate for 2020. Here are 3 of the six recording harmonies and backup vocals on “JUST LIKE THAT” in the recording studio, Sept 2020.
As a family we hold tight, we pray a lot, we attend Mass online each week, and we get outside as much as possible. Bruce and I need to continue to reassure our kids that things were going to be okay, that no matter what, we stick together, even if things feel unsure and scary. So we keep our projects going, our lives as familiar as possible, and keep the course moving ahead, steady and strong.
Our eldest (1st born/1st set) daughter Kathryn and her fiance Jonathan decided to have a small, private marriage ceremony in Tucson last October (without family because we couldn’t travel), but we will all be going out there this coming autumn for an official marriage blessing and Mass celebrated by Kathryn’s uncle, our family priest (my brother), Scott.
Lauren (2nd born/1st set) lives away from us now in a house here in Jacksonville with two other girls, works full-time from her home office, but spends many weekends here at our home. For a while, when everyone was completely locked down and quarantined, it was torture not being able to be with her. Thankfully, that didn’t last too long. I plan to FINALLY visit my Mom and step-Dad soon, and hopefully we’ll be able to visit Bruce’s family in Louisiana soon, as well. Gosh it’s been 14 months since I’ve hugged my mom.
On a very personal note, this year has been a year of extremely powerful and exponential spiritual growth for me. Never in my life have I prayed, read my Bible (I read the One Year Bible each day) and dug down deeply to gather strength, conviction and determination to live. This past year has magnified and reinforced my dependence on God, and the ever-growing realization that I simply cannot survive and thrive without God’s guidance, comfort and support, but I also know that I can get through anything, that ALL of us can get through anything that this life throws at us, through Christ who’s strength empowers me.
Let’s choose to live with renewed purpose, love and a whole new level of appreciation for each and every person, and every single day.
I want to start out by saying again that we are just one family among millions touched by the effects of this serious pandemic. Because we are living it first-hand on a personal level, however, I feel strongly compelled to share the ongoing experience of our son Brandon’s illness.
During a text conversation with our next-door neighbor, Mary, she told me that she had seen Brandon walking to his car a few days ago. After he’d returned from his virus test appointment last Thursday (which came back negative), he’d parked along the curb in front of our mailbox, and we’d asked him to move his car into our driveway so it was no longer blocking our mail carrier’s access to our mailbox. Mary told me that when she saw him walking, she noticed his shoulders were hunched inward, his head was down, and he was moving very slowly. She expressed to me how much she hated to see him looking so defeated. She called out to him, “Brandon! Come on, stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, you’ve got this!”
He replied to her, “Yeah, I know, but it’s so hard.”
He had shown signs of improvement over this past week, and told me that up until three days ago, he was beginning to feel overall “a lot better”. However, then another dip occurred, one of those dips which we know now is typical for many people who have had this virus. And so we continue to encourage positive self-talk, prayer and patience. While feeling physically weak, and having a hard time enduring as time continues on, he’s also frightened. Doctors admit to being perplexed by the unfamiliarity and unpredictability of this virus. That fact really shakes Brandon’s confidence. I wish I could remove his access to the internet, but any attempts to pry the cell phone from the the fingers of my 20-year-old son, despite his weakened state, just would not end well.
From left to right, Brandon on his 20th birthday in October 2019; his second ER visit July 6, 2020; and today July 18, 2020 while on his “tryna think positive” quest.
Bruce (my rock) and I remind Brandon that although his recovery is slow right now, and that it seems an eternity since he first isolated himself to his bedroom, he is improving. He’s demonstrating a typical saw-tooth, upwardly-trending recovery. We also remind him that things could have gone in a completely different direction. He must stay positive (in mindset, of course, and not in test-result), and this will end soon. He is our miracle. The fact that none of the rest of us have contracted the virus is also a miracle.
So they say that when it rains it pours. Sadly, our daughter Kathryn and her fiancée, Jonathan have decided to postponed their wedding. As the two-month away mark approaches, and the pandemic situation only worsens, it was agreed by all that postponing would be the best decision. However, it was still an emotional, heart-wrenching, and heart-breaking decision for them to make. We do, however, look forward to celebrating with them when there is no longer the worry and threat of this uninvited viral guest, and when all can anticipate and participate in their big day with joy and excitement.
And because things tend to occur in 3’s, my right arm is currently wrapped in an immobilizing sling. My previously twice-dislocated, and twice-operated-upon right shoulder dislocated yet again last Sunday evening, and after two failed ER attempts to relocate it (ouch), I was put under general anesthesia, and it was finally relocated. A third surgery to stabilize this worn-out joint is not far off.
So, the first purpose of this post is to provide an update to everyone who has asked for one, and to ask each of you to please instill in anyone you know who may hold on to the belief that this virus is some sort of game or hoax, that it’s absolutely not. I won’t express my opinion of its WHY or HOW, but I will certainly testify to its reality and to its severity. If my very healthy son can be taken down this way, please consider the health of your family when you go out and socialize, or choose to vacation in Disney World right now.
We are planning for Sean and Benjamin to continue home-learning this fall.
The second and equally-important purpose of this post is to express once again our deepest, most heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has provided us with love, support, a flood of prayers (they are working!), and for the several dropped-off-dinners we’ve appreciated and have enjoyed immensely.
We don’t know how tomorrow will play out. When do we ever know? We do know, however, that God is in control if we allow his grace in our lives during the good and during the difficult. We also hold strong to our faith that in trusting God and in supporting, respecting and loving each other, we will all get through this.
PSA: If my 20-year-old, very fit, active, health-conscious son can become this sick with COVID-19, then everyone PLEASE PAY ATTENTION, including the teenagers and other young adults! This is not a game, this is not fake. Take this SERIOUSLY.
Thank you for checking back in with us. It’s truly incredible how most people today have been directly affected by this pandemic to some degree: lost income, a closed business, inability to travel or see extended family and friends, cancelled plans, school and work-from-home, cabin fever, and, well, constant fear of the unknown. Honestly, our family has experienced all of those aspects on some level these last few months, but no inconveniences or disappointments hit home quite like our son contracting it. My heart goes out to everyone ill or caring for a loved one who is ill with this virus. My son Brandon is sick and he’s still really struggling.
They may be in college now, but they’re forever my little ones. Pictured here are my middle set of twins: Brandon (l), and Erin (r).
Having personally experienced my share of cold/flu viruses over the years, and having cared for our children when they’ve been sick with every common injury and illness, I have some know-how under my belt as far as responding to illnesses in our home. However, this one is not common. It’s not predictable. It’s not familiar. It is uncharted territory, and it’s symptom pattern and behavior are simply mysterious.
So we wait, we monitor, we manage and we pray.
Over the past 11 days since I last posted, Brandon has experienced unfamiliar, unsettling and sometimes frightening symptoms. When he initially began to feel a bit better than he had during the first week and a half, Bruce and I started to breathe easy again. Unfortunately, the relief was short-lived and had us tricked. His symptoms progressed from the initial flu-like fever, aches, cough, lack of appetite, complete lack of senses of smell and taste, headache and fatigue to an increase in appetite, increased energy, and the desire to sit outside for a few minutes every day. But then he took some dips, which we expected based on what others have reported experiencing. Knowing he had now reached the two-week mark, he made himself an appointment to be retested, but there wasn’t an available appointment for a week.
And we wait, we manage, we monitor and we pray.
His last setback started on the Thursday afternoon prior to the 4th of July weekend, and he hasn’t improved since. He hasn’t feel well at all, describing a slightly increased temperature (no higher than 99 degrees), with chills, muscle and joint aches and practically no appetite and now diarrhea. Where he had started several days ago to disinfect his room and bathroom, and had increased energy, everything suddenly regressed. My instincts told me that a possible secondary infection was brewing.
Another, and one of the most difficult, symptom he’s experiencing are enormous ANXIETY attacks. These episodes may be a result of the neurological effects of the virus itself, or a response to all of the other symptoms, but whatever the reason, it’s a real and very challenging symptom, both for the person experiencing it and for those taking care of the person.
Monday morning (today) arrived and at 8am sharp I had him call our doctor’s office and spoke with our family doctor’s nurse who has experienced this virus herself. Because Brandon does not have a negative test status, he cannot be seen by our doctor. Understandably, but incredibly ironic and frustrating because the wait is so long for his retest appointment. As the day has gone on, his stress level, his discomfort and hard-to-describe overall symptoms have worsened, so we called two urgent care facilities, the second of which allowed him to come in and be examined. He’s there right now.
And we continue to wait and pray.
In addition to the physical affects that this virus has had on Brandon, he’s also been struggling to keep a positive attitude. Fear can be a powerful force, and as the days and weeks have progressed, his ability to cope has decreased. His anxiety bouts coupled with a deepening depression that he may not recover has gotten a grip on him. We have talks and I try so hard to lift him up, encourage him, comfort him, reassure him, but honestly, I just don’t know. His girlfriend has also been trying to help during long phone conversations.
As a family of faith we hold tight and turn to prayer and scripture. We’ve been referring to verses regarding trust and patience. We’ve also been encouraging anything and everything humorous … movies, series, games. Anything to lift his spirits and take his mind off feeling crappy.
As for me, and please bear with my digression, as this is for all of the women/moms reading this. I’m trying not to, but I’m struggling, too. I’m doing everything I can think of to help my sick child while I try to protect the rest of my family. Some days I’m doing okay. Some days, I wish I was handling it all better. I’ll say again that I know that everyone is suffering from the virus, from the affects of the fear, from the the fighting, from the unrest, and from all of the hate. So, since writing things down is what I do, I’m going to share my feelings here:
I’m worried about my son. I’m worried about my husband and the rest of my children. I’m worried that my mom, my step-dad and my mother-in-law will become ill with this horrible thing. I’m angry because this shouldn’t be happening in the first place. I’m angry at the way people on social media don’t hesitate to express their opinions while they spew insults and disrespect the equally-valid opinions of others. I’m angry that I had to stop working, lose a significant amount of income, and stop moving forward with music and writing projects, plans and goals. I’m heartbroken for my daughter as she tries to plan for a wedding while this ominous gray cloud casts an enormous shadow over an event that she wants to be, and should be, excited about. Lastly, I don’t sleep. I. Don’t. Sleep. I have been trying to increase my physical activity to reduce stress and encourage sleep. I began to incorporate melatonin and some extra stretching to release tension.
Ok, enough of that.
We will get through this, I have no doubt. Thank you for spending time reading this post, and many thanks to all of our friends and family for checking in with us so often. We feel your prayers, we feel your love, and we know we’re blessed to have your friendship and support. I see many miracles each day and I know that many more, large and small, will happen as a result of this crisis we’re all experiencing. I’m grateful for God’s love and protection, for the beautiful cardinals who stay close to our home these days, and to the hawk family who have a brand new family in one of our backyard trees. I’m thankful for funny movies, goofy games played with my kids, and for wine. I wish I wasn’t quite as thankful for comfort foods these days. Stupid pasta.
(Tues 6:15 pm) Thank you all for each of your texts, messages, facebook posts and blog comments. We are absolutely overwhelmed by the support we’ve received from each and every one of you.
So, after a long night in the ER on extra O2 and IV fluids, Brandon (with Bruce there with him) received the results of his CT scan of his lungs and abdominal organs which was CLEAR: no pneumonia. His 2nd COVID test, however, still came back positive. The test will indicate positive if there’s any viral presence. The numbers were probably initially quite high and are probably quite low now, but still present. After stabilizing his O2 levels (which had been lower than they liked when he first arrived), and after he demonstrated the ability to maintain his body temp, he came home early this morning. If he had been admitted to the hospital, he would have been placed in isolation with other Covid-positive patients, where we would not be able to stay with him, so the decision was made to send him home. We’re hoping that this was his last set back, and that with time, he recovers completely.
We appreciate all the prayers, support and offers for meals!! We love you all !! We ask that God protect each and every one of you and your families. Thank you!
(Mon 9:54 pm) Ascension/St. Vincents Urgent Care wants to transport him to Baptist Hospital (downtown Jacksonville) in order to get his blood oxygen levels up and stable. We are awaiting the results of his retest. If it’s negative, he will not be placed with other Covid patients, and Bruce can stay with him. All prayers are welcome!
Tuesday: It’s been one week since his symptoms began and Brandon has not had a good day. He’s frequently nauseous and his lack of appetite leaves everything I prepare for him only slightly touched. His is, however, staying hydrated, as I insist. He has lung discomfort, tightness, throat pain and coughing. He feels weak, unsteady, and very tired. His sensitivity to cold has been challenging since the other three kids are hot if the A/C setting is raised upstairs, especially at night. I’ve encouraged him to close his room’s air vent and to open his window to let in fresh, warm summer air. He and my friend Mark have been texting back and forth, and I’m so grateful for that connection. Although they both feel cruddy, they have vented to each other here and there, and compare symptoms with each other. As for sources of comfort: He has reported to me that he feels a direct correlation between drinking “fizzy-tab water” and feeling better. He’s referring to the molecular hydrogen dissolving tablets that I’ve been giving him once a day. It does really seem to help! I have coached the benefits of this product to my clients, and I believe in its benefits from my personal experience, so I’m so glad that this product is helping my son through his recovery.
Wednesday: When I asked him how he was feeling today, he answered that he’d slept pretty well, but was still tired. He still has been experiencing body aches and weird chills, despite his temperature not exceeding 98-99 degrees. He continued to sleep much of the day. He has expressed that his anxiety level, however, has dropped and that he feels much more relaxed. Thank goodness!
And speaking of thanking, I want to focus now on being grateful for the blessings that always bubble up during the struggles in our lives, as they have now … for the continuing miracles and silver linings revealed in the midst of our stormy weather.
The response to my previous blog article has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive. Thank you, everyone, from the depths of my heart. It’s always apparent through the many crises we experience in our lives, that we just have to look for the helpers, those angels who God sends us when we need them. I’ve also received warm responses of love, prayers and support from all of our friends and family with phone calls and text messages. Friends two doors down dropped off a large bowl of Filipino Pancit a few days ago because they know we (and especially Brandon) love it! One of my closest friends will be bringing us a full dinner tonight of baked spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and, oh, chocolate cake. I’ve instructed all meal-deliverers to drop and run since up to this point, we had not received our test results yet. Thank you everyone!
I sat on our back patio and reached back out via fb messenger to the bassist, Mark, who has been texting Brandon. I told him that I simply couldn’t adequately express my gratitude for his time and his efforts. I told him that I was sorry that he’s been going through this, too, and that we all have him and his family in our prayers. I told him that he has been a true example of a storm cloud’s silver lining. I’d hoped that my expression of appreciation would help to lift and comfort him, as well. I later read his fb post where he wrote that he’d been texting the 20-yr-old son of a local fellow musician, and that he was happy that he could help encourage someone else going through this.
Slow test results, but finally …
Brandon had received his COVID-19 test results in 2 days. It has been 5 days since the rest of us had our tests administered. It’s clear that the increased demands for tests have slowed the processing and result-reporting time. I took a chance and called the center where we had tested, and the tech that answered actually looked up our results in his system. After I provided him with correct privacy information, he relayed to me that Sean, Benjamin and myself all tested NEGATIVE. Phew. At least we knew now that we were not exposed from the same source that infected Brandon, and that we were not able to expose others back before Brandon had tested positive, nor when his symptoms were early. This status, of course, could change. We’ll only know in time if we haven’t contracted it FROM Brandon. I pray that our negative status remains that way.
Erin is over 18 and I was not able to receive her results. She called the center herself and was told her results were not back yet. Bruce was tested elsewhere and is also awaiting his results.
Thursday (today): Aside from the times that I sit in our upstairs loft along the wall about 8 feet away from Brandon’s bedroom door and chat with him as he sits at the end of his bed or walks near his ajar doorway, we communicate via phone (voice and text). I texted him a couple of times this morning to ask if he had any appetite and would like to eat, but he didn’t respond. After a bit, I went upstairs and knocked, backed up, and waited. He opened his door to say that he just hadn’t slept well last night, but had slept well this morning. And yes, he would like to try to eat.
He’s been quiet today. I’m leaving him to rest. Although I’m aware that this illness can last 3-6 weeks, as I learned from our pediatrician’s nurse that I brain-picked yesterday for 45 minutes, I believe in my heart that Brandon will be ok. He will muscle his way through this. He’s young and strong. I also know that having a good day on Monday may mean a rough day on Tuesday. Both Brandon and Mark have reported this fact to me.
Mother Bear
The mother bear was born in me the moment I found out that I was pregnant for the first time. She’s been there, ready to reveal her claws should anything threaten the well being of any of my children. I understand the instinctively fierce need for mothers to protect their children.
I felt the bear begin to waken inside me when this virus first made headlines, when it entered our country, our state, our county, our part of town. My anxious need to do everything in my power to protect my family became a primal focus of mine. And when my son became ill, the bear became fully awake and emerged … clearly, strongly and without question. Not only was my child sick, but the remaining children living in our home were now threatened. For the very first time since our older girls moved out, I was glad that they didn’t live here. However, would my other children get sick with this potentially life-threatening illness, too? My claws would like nothing more than to shred to pieces the forces responsible for the creation and unleashing of this scourge.
Ok, I won’t go on and on here … most people reading this understand what I’m talking about.
Before receiving our COVID-19 tests results yesterday, we’d been waiting and waiting to find out the status of the remaining five of us. I realize that the testing sites’ staff members have been inundated and overworked with this recent spike in local cases, but, since we notified people in our lives that Brandon was a positive case, we’ve been receiving concerned inquiries about our health. Of course, my mother has been wondering if our test results were back. Of course, Bruce’s coworkers have been inquiring as to our status, and many of them have gotten tested themselves.
But no one has been more pressing, more regularly and relentlessly inquiring than the “neighbor”. Remember her … the one I mentioned in my previous post? Although I assured her that as soon as I received our results, I would notify her, this assurance was not sufficient for her. She has felt the need to text me almost daily to find out if I’ve heard. No one could be more frustrated than me with the slow response in test results notification, but this person was beginning to drive me insane. By this past Tuesday (2 days ago), already stressed beyond belief, I replied: “Hello, as I have already promised, I will let you know when I find out. The labs must be running behind due to the increase in tests. Please know that I sincerely hope that you and your family aren’t impacted by this virus, but if you are at some point, I also sincerely hope that no one causes you to feel as repulsive, feared, and pressured as we have been made to feel.”
Always preferring to take the high road, however, I then texted, “May I call you?” A few minutes later, we were speaking (with voices) on the phone. I introduced myself to her, and we began to carry on a decent, amiable conversation. I explained that I understood her concern that her children may have been exposed to this virus unknowingly by my two young sons back before we knew Brandon was ill. She assured me that she was also concerned for our family. In my mind, I thought, how can you be? You don’t even know us. We hung up after I told her that, again, I would let her know as soon as we were notified of the results.
On Wednesday late afternoon, less than a minute after I’d hung up with the testing center with our results, I received another text from “neighbor”. My screen read: “Any results yet? My parents want to stop by and visit, but we don’t want them near our children until we know if Sean or Ben exposed them, so please get back to me as soon as possible!”
AAAAGGGHHHH!!! I replied: “15 second ago, I learned that the boys and I tested negative.” Her response: “Wonderful! Now you can concentrate on your son’s recovery. Let me know if you need anything!”
I wanted to reply: “Thank you, because if I ever need further harassment, I certainly know who to call!”. But I didn’t. I decided instead just to leave her on read.
My advice to everyone reading this: We are ALL concerned about our families. All moms have internal mother bears. However, please learn the following from my experience:It is never okay to hound and harass another stressed-out worried mom under the guise of concern for her family when clearly the motive is purely self-centered.Trust that she will get back to you as she agreed, show some tact, sensitivity, genuine care … and leave her and her family alone.
Enough about that.
Well, we still don’t have Erin’s or Bruce’s test results. And again, these were tests taken last week. Things can change. This crisis is far from over, and will probably impact every family at some point, to some extent, before it’s a terrible thing of the past. My heart breaks for all who are suffering from this or from its effects.
My daughter and her fiancé were engaged over a year, announced their wedding date this past Christmas, and have been planning their wedding out of town. The wedding is to be in September. They have been trying to continue on as planned, but now are not sure whether to postpone or not. For now, she is simply overwhelmed and a bit heartbroken that her wedding plans have been so overshadowed by this insidious virus.
However, as I’ve encouraged my daughter, we must stay positive, pray for guidance, and keep moving forward. Bruce continues to work hard from home every day; the boys are keeping occupied with legos, board/card games and online gaming with friends; Erin continues to hole up in her room staying busy with summer online college classwork until her test results come in; I continue to keep the house clean, prepare meals, write song lyrics and blog posts and play my keyboard; all while Brandon continues to heal and recover.
We pray without ceasing.
Until my next post, I’d like to leave my readers with this:
Angels are everywhere. God is everywhere. There is good everywhere, and good will win in the end. God is love and love never fails. One day we will look back and be grateful that we kept our heads high, our faith firm, and our attitudes positive. Love one another and accept the love and help of the angels in our lives when we need them, and then be the angels for others when they need us. Enjoy comfort food including chocolate cake. It’s as simple as that.
Oh, and please don’t harass anyone, ever, especially a stressed-out mother bear.
Update (6/28): Erin’s and Bruce’s test results arrived late yesterday. It took 8 days to receive these results.
And, not surprisingly, the consistent text messages of concern for our family abruptly ceased once I notified the neighbor that our youngest boys’ tests were negative.
“Fran, how and why do you do all that you do?” Here is a question I get a lot. So let me go back to the beginning and explain how I got here.
While pursuing my college degree in Graphic Design, I was active in musical theater. By the time I was married a few years, I’d worked my way up to associate art director with a suburban Washington, DC advertising agency, and then to lead designer with the publications/presentations department of a large computer corporation. This was my day job back then, while my side gig was singing backup and lead vocals in a local rock band.
Then I had my first set of twins in Dec of 1994.
I was very happy to continue my career and contribute to our family income while working from my home office on a freelance basis during the years my husband and I raised our first, then second, and then third set of twins between 1995 and 2013. In 2009 I wrote and published: TWINS x3, a book in which I shared the roller coaster life I was leading as the mom of three sets of twins. Shortly after the book was released, I began a mommy blog (the blog you’re reading now) to support parents of multiples based on my own experiences and to help promote my book. Although I had never lost my love for singing, music and performing, the time was simply never right to get back into it because I was so busy with my work and children. I was beginning to accept that this part of me had ended.
In 2014, my right shoulder was severely injured which resulted in two separate surgeries and long courses of physical and massage therapies. Because my healing process was long and difficult, but ultimately successful, I was very grateful and desired to “pay it forward”. With my husband’s support, I went back to school at night while continuing to work part-time during the day and caring for my family. In August of 2016 I completed my courses, sat for the state health department board exam, and became a Licensed Clinical Massage Therapist. I then began working with the physical therapy department of a Primary Care Physicians office.
In the summer of 2017, with my youngest set of twins now approaching the age of 10, it struck me that perhaps, just maybe, I could investigate options for singing professionally part-time again. My desire to live this part of me just couldn’t be held in any longer. The kids were all growing up, and maybe it wasn’t too late to start again. At a local studio, I recorded some cover demo songs in order to market myself, designed and created a music website, posted on social media, and received overwhelmingly positive feedback. After an incredible turn of events, I found myself singing backup vocals with a long-time professional singer on a New York City stage in October 2017. In 2018 I planned, promoted and produced a July performance in my hometown of Jacksonville where the NYC singer and I performed together. Meanwhile, I wrote song lyrics and began working and recording with a local composer/arranger. In November of 2018, we independently produced and released my first album of original songs, and today this music can be found on most music streaming sites. The album’s title song is called “You Always Were” which is a song I wrote about how music has always been a part of me, and how happy I am that it’s back in my life. I continue to work part-time as a clinical massage therapist.
I’ve been asked over the years if I would write another book. Instead, I recently decided to update my book TWINS x3 so I could fill in my readers on what has happened these last 10 years with myself, my husband and our six amazing children. The 10-year-Anniverary, 2019 Edition of TWINS x3is out now!
The above article was submitted to Women’s Health Magazineon 1/30/19 for story contributions to “Women in the U.S.: What triggered your career change(s)?”
When we as women find out that we’re pregnant, we instinctively know that taking care of ourselves is vital to the health and well-being of our babies. Once our babies arrive, we become so busy caring for the needs of our little ones, and with all the demands of new motherhood, that caring for ourselves falls further and further from the top of the priority list.
We all know, however, that taking care of ourselves is very important if we’re going to be able to properly care for our families.
When a new baby or new babies arrive, we immediately realize that getting enough sleep is a HUGE CHALLENGE! Without enough sleep, we simply cannot function. Without enough sleep, our bodies ability recover from or to prevent illness is highly compromised.
Sleep challenges don’t end when our children outgrow the newborn stage. Those of us with older children experience many sleepless nights when our kids are sick, are off their sleep schedules because of travel and vacations, for example, or when the stress and demands of school or bad dreams keep our children from sleeping well.
Sometimes, too, the stress of our days keep us from sleeping well even when the rest of the family is sound asleep!
With newborns, take “sleep turns” with your spouse or other caregiver(s). Find a room at the opposite end of your house from the baby(ies) room where you can sleep quietly for a least 3 hours uninterrupted hours at a time. Doing this a twice per day can satisfy your sleep needs until your babies become old enough to sleep through the night.
If you’re breast feeding on demand, this arrangement may not be possible. If you choose to sleep with your babies so you can nurse them as needed, it’s possible to get the rest you need, as long as the babies sleep soundly as well for a few hours at a time.
If everyday stress and life demands are keeping you up at night, there are some natural sleep remedies that I’ve found very helpful.
1) Daily exercise. If you spend your day rushing around trying to be everything to everyone, stress builds up and can manifest itself as the inability to get a good night’s sleep. Taking a brisk 20-30 minute walk, for example, once per day releases pent-up stress. The pituitary gland releases endorphins and your body produces dopamine and serotonin known as pleasure and happiness chemicals, all of which provide your body with the ability to de-stress, relax and experience deep, recuperative sleep.
2) Natural therapies.Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain’s pineal gland and whose function is to control sleep. Melatonin can be taken in capsule form to increase your body’s natural supply. Valerian (a natural herb) is another commonly prescribed sleep aid. Both melatonin and valerian are well-known for their ability to shorten the time to fall asleep and for their ability to provide longer, deeper sleep.
3) Vitamin increase. Calcium and magnesium taken together are known as sleep boosters … and they’re vital for your bone health!
4) Yoga or meditation. Bring yourself down from the day’s noise and chaos. Sit quietly, clear your mind, pray and count your blessings. When we take our focus off our problems and focus on all that is good in our lives, we can feel more at peace. Practicing yoga postures, like other exercise, releases all the pleasure hormones, and also reduces pain.
5) Aromatherapy. You’ve probably heard that lavender is very effective in causing relaxation. Lighting a lavender-scented candle, rubbing lavender-scented lotion into your skin, especially your feet, or spritzing your pillow with a lavender-scented spray may encourage pleasurable relaxation.
As children, we grew up learning the importance of eating right. Although the occasional splurge of sweets and salty snacks can’t damage our bodies, it’s imperative that we as moms place our health and nutrition on the top of our self-care lists! But with today’s constant demands, many of us are living our lives basically malnourished. The proof of this fact is the high-rate of illness and disease today, including physical, mental and emotional.
We need to find simple and complete ways to nourish ourselves and our families if we’re going to live long, healthy productive lives. As new moms, especially breastfeeding multiples moms, optimal nutrition for our own and for our babies’ health is extremely important!
1) DIET. A diet rich in healthy proteins such as lean meets, eggs and fish; calcium such as cheese, yogurt and dark, leafy greens; fiber such as fresh vegetables, whole grains/nuts and fresh fruits provide our bodies with needed nutrients each day. Drinking a LOT of water each day (at least 8-10 full 8-oz glasses) is important for healthy metabolism and digestion.
2) SUPPLEMENTS. Do we always eat right? Not many of us can say YES to that question each day. How many of us take the recommended daily doses of the vitamins and minerals we need each day. If we were to try, we may end up taking a handful of pills, capsules or gummies!
3) ALTERNATIVE SUPPLEMENTS. The trend today is to find a way to supplement our dietary intake, as all doctors and scientists believe we need, with methods that provide nutrition at the cellular level (and I’m not referring to our mobile phones.) 😉
Many health food and natural food stores carry shakes and powder mixes that can be taken daily to supplement and complete our daily nutritional needs. This added nutrition is vital in providing our bodies with the ability to maintain our health, give us much-needed ENERGY, and prevent illness.