I want to start out by saying again that we are just one family among millions touched by the effects of this serious pandemic. Because we are living it first-hand on a personal level, however, I feel strongly compelled to share the ongoing experience of our son Brandon’s illness.
During a text conversation with our next-door neighbor, Mary, she told me that she had seen Brandon walking to his car a few days ago. After he’d returned from his virus test appointment last Thursday (which came back negative), he’d parked along the curb in front of our mailbox, and we’d asked him to move his car into our driveway so it was no longer blocking our mail carrier’s access to our mailbox. Mary told me that when she saw him walking, she noticed his shoulders were hunched inward, his head was down, and he was moving very slowly. She expressed to me how much she hated to see him looking so defeated. She called out to him, “Brandon! Come on, stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, you’ve got this!”
He replied to her, “Yeah, I know, but it’s so hard.”
He had shown signs of improvement over this past week, and told me that up until three days ago, he was beginning to feel overall “a lot better”. However, then another dip occurred, one of those dips which we know now is typical for many people who have had this virus. And so we continue to encourage positive self-talk, prayer and patience. While feeling physically weak, and having a hard time enduring as time continues on, he’s also frightened. Doctors admit to being perplexed by the unfamiliarity and unpredictability of this virus. That fact really shakes Brandon’s confidence. I wish I could remove his access to the internet, but any attempts to pry the cell phone from the the fingers of my 20-year-old son, despite his weakened state, just would not end well.

Bruce (my rock) and I remind Brandon that although his recovery is slow right now, and that it seems an eternity since he first isolated himself to his bedroom, he is improving. He’s demonstrating a typical saw-tooth, upwardly-trending recovery. We also remind him that things could have gone in a completely different direction. He must stay positive (in mindset, of course, and not in test-result), and this will end soon. He is our miracle. The fact that none of the rest of us have contracted the virus is also a miracle.
So they say that when it rains it pours. Sadly, our daughter Kathryn and her fiancée, Jonathan have decided to postponed their wedding. As the two-month away mark approaches, and the pandemic situation only worsens, it was agreed by all that postponing would be the best decision. However, it was still an emotional, heart-wrenching, and heart-breaking decision for them to make. We do, however, look forward to celebrating with them when there is no longer the worry and threat of this uninvited viral guest, and when all can anticipate and participate in their big day with joy and excitement.
And because things tend to occur in 3’s, my right arm is currently wrapped in an immobilizing sling. My previously twice-dislocated, and twice-operated-upon right shoulder dislocated yet again last Sunday evening, and after two failed ER attempts to relocate it (ouch), I was put under general anesthesia, and it was finally relocated. A third surgery to stabilize this worn-out joint is not far off.

So, the first purpose of this post is to provide an update to everyone who has asked for one, and to ask each of you to please instill in anyone you know who may hold on to the belief that this virus is some sort of game or hoax, that it’s absolutely not. I won’t express my opinion of its WHY or HOW, but I will certainly testify to its reality and to its severity. If my very healthy son can be taken down this way, please consider the health of your family when you go out and socialize, or choose to vacation in Disney World right now.
We are planning for Sean and Benjamin to continue home-learning this fall.
The second and equally-important purpose of this post is to express once again our deepest, most heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has provided us with love, support, a flood of prayers (they are working!), and for the several dropped-off-dinners we’ve appreciated and have enjoyed immensely.
We don’t know how tomorrow will play out. When do we ever know? We do know, however, that God is in control if we allow his grace in our lives during the good and during the difficult. We also hold strong to our faith that in trusting God and in supporting, respecting and loving each other, we will all get through this.