I don’t want to say much, but we’re heartbroken by the loss of our boy pup, our Italian Greyhound, Simon. We welcomed Simon into our family on Dec 1, 2011 after he’d just turned 5. Our youngest twins (Sean and Ben) had recently turned 4. .
He chose then 11-yr-old Erin as his girl, his number 1, but as soon as she went to school the next day, I became his number 2. I was his mom, and he was Erin’s best friend. He’s been with us through thick and thin, gone on thousands of walks and many car rides (although he really wasn’t a fan of car rides), knew all of my dreams and secrets from our long talks during long walks, he was Erin’s shadow when she was home, and he was mine when she wasn’t.

He stood behind me in the kitchen for any and all treats or nibbles that happen to fall or were offered to his awaiting mouth. He loved lettuce, bell pepper, a variety of fruit, rotisserie chicken, but his favorites were pot roast trimmings and apples!

We love you and we will miss you forever, Simon. Thank you for giving us nearly twelve years of unconditional love!