It’s called a ‘novel coronavirus’ … a “new” virus never experienced before in the history of humankind. Some healthcare professionals say that it is, however, approximately 78% the same as common coronaviruses responsible for common colds and influenza. This number obviously leaves a significant 22% of unknowns, unpredictables and sleepless nights.
I know there are many who have had a much worse experience than we have, families with several members sick at the same time, and the loss of many loved ones. I’m simply sharing our particular, present experience with the hope that something about it can be helpful to someone else.
(Warning: Brief Digression) I have strong beliefs about the evil reasons behind this virus’s very existence, but don’t we all? Being denied access to in-person medical care by our 20-year primary care doctor while Brandon’s status was “positive” (when he needed them the most), as well as being denied access to the until-recently-available, 65-year-old, safe medication that multitudes of passionate, reputable, front-line practicing physicians all over the U.S. have proven can actually prevent (protect), shorten and cure this virus, has been an experience that I find very difficult to accurately and sufficiently describe. I’ve recently contacted our Florida governor, both senators and our district’s house representative to request new legislation that will ensure our rights as citizens the availability of requested medications that are being blatantly withheld. If you agree with me, please contact your legislators, as well. This mother bear has been angered and has been growling for many weeks.
Ok, enough of that.
My objective for this post is to share which therapies we feel have proven beneficial for my son as far as immunity boosters and other medication treatments are concerned. Doctors everywhere are perplexed, so there is little proven (available) protocol to follow yet. So, while following advice from professionals, and through some personal trial and error, parental instincts and common sense, we’ve arrived today at Brandon’s current status of “starting to feel better”.
I am not a doctor, and I am not making recommendations for you nor for your family members. Only you and your doctor know what is best for you. However, the following is a list of supplements/medications that Brandon has taken throughout his journey with this virus, and he is, thankfully slowly recovering.
1— Zinc and Vitamin C
The 13.3 mg of zinc found in products such as Cold-eeze, and Airborne, for example taken 4 times per day (with food) has provided a significant decrease in Brandon’s symptoms. Zinc on the vitamin aisle in pill form will provide your full day’s dose with just one tablet. Additional vitamin C is also beneficial for immunity support. He’s been taking Emergen-C Immune which contains 1,000 mg vitamin C.
2— Baby Aspirin
One daily dose of an 81 mg baby aspirin seems to have improved and prevented further problems with his circulation. He had complained of cold feet and hands in the beginning. Blood clots are a common occurrence with this virus and can occur when patients are bedridden. For Brandon, X-rays and CT scans (complete with contrast imaging dye injections) at his two ER stays ruled out any blood clots in his lungs, abdomen and extremities.
3— Tylenol (acetaminophen)
There was initially the belief that ibuprofen (ex: Advil, Motrin IB) worsened COVID cases and led to many deaths, but later that belief was deemed false. We didn’t want to take any risks, so we simply continued the use of acetaminophen to help reduce fever and body aches.
4— Corticosteroid oral inhaler
Qvar RediHaler is an inhaled medication (beclomethasone dipropionate) that Brandon was prescribed last fall to help treat a chest cold. He located his inhaler and started using it from the onset of his COVID symptoms to prevent congestion and possible pneumonia and to encourage lung function to properly continue its ability to effectively oxygenate his blood. I truly believe this inhaled steroid has played a big part in keeping his lungs clear.
5— Albuterol (via nebulizer breathing machine)
Due to having six children and many cold and flu seasons, we bought our own nebulizer machine many years ago. We asked our doctor to please prescribe Brandon albuterol sulfate liquid vials for use in the nebulizer. For several weeks, he gave himself nebulizer breathing treatments twice per day or when needed to further aid in bronchial and lung health tissue dilation. He hasn’t needed to use this treatment in the last week.
6— Molecular Hydrogen (dissolving tablets)
Dissolved in 16 oz of water and consumed 1-2 times per day, OTC (search online: “molecular hydrogen tabs”) as a powerful method of providing hydration at the very cellular level, and is the most powerful antioxidant on the planet, preventing free radicals from forming which become harmful cells, and destroying the free radicals that already exist. When we hydrate every cell of our bodies, we allow them to work at their full active potential, and we can turn illness around and prevent further disease. I’ve given Brandon this supplement every day since he got sick. He now is a true believer in its benefits.
Sincere Appreciation to Healthcare Professionals
We also depended upon and were eternally grateful for the health care he could received. Thank God the ER doctors and staff came to his rescue twice when he most needed them. They are our heroes, without a doubt. When Brandon received his second consecutive negative COVID test early last week, he was only then finally allowed to see our primary care doctor for an in-person examination. After the examination, the doctor ordered blood work to assess his overall wellness, and prescribed him a broad-spectrum antibiotic to treat a suspected sinus infection which was probably behind his lagging sore throat. Our doctor also prescribed him some further anti-anxiety medication for use only as needed. Anxiety and fear has played an enormous part in all of this, especially at night.

All along, Brandon has remained well-hydrated and well-fed when his appetite allowed. He rests and sleeps as much as he wants to (taking our dog Simon’s nonverbal advice), walks around inside and outside our house to encourage circulation, and to start rebuilding his stamina. When it’s not too hot outside, he opens his bedroom window to bring in fresh air. We’ve isolated him completely, or rather, he self-isolated himself, until he received his second negative test, and we’ve been careful to disinfect surfaces all along.
Although he’s feeling better, reports the return of his ability to smell and taste, and that his hair and nails have begun to grow again, he still says he’s far from “feeling good”. His skin still feels hot and sensitive to warm temperatures (especially around his core), and is peeling in places. He still has joint and muscle pain. His blood test results were given to him over the phone, and indicated that all was normal, with no sign of the COVID virus still in his blood.
We pray that he feels like himself again soon, that he has no long-term health problems as a result of this virus’ effects. It’s clear to us that he had a significant and dangerous case. We know it could have gone in a completely different direction, and we’re so thankful that it didn’t. We pray that no other family members nor friends become infected and sickened, especially those who are older.
We also pray for the thousands people going through this right now. Many homes include multiple sick family members, and it’s so frightening and truly dangerous when the elderly are exposed and sickened.
Many thanks to all who ask for updates, and for your continued prayers. We are blessed that our boy is slowly recovering. Despite the frustrations we all feel about this pandemic, I have no doubt that we will persevere through it. In the meantime, we’re concentrating on taking care of each other, trying to remain patient, praying to God for guidance and protection, and keeping our faith strong.