Not long after the start of the brand new year, my band had a great gig at a local venue where we normally play outside on a covered patio with a boat marina back drop, however, on January 14th, with temps in the upper 30s, we opted to set up our band equipment inside. We had a great evening with lots of friends who came out to join and support us.
I started to feel sick about 5 days later. I took a home cov test which came back positive so I stayed in my room to hole up as I had done last summer when I had symptoms, but go out to get tested. This time, I felt like I had the flu. Fever, headache, body aches, nausea, diarrhea, congested upper respiratory cough and nasal congestion and fatigue. The flu (aka cov19) lasted about two weeks and the fatigue lasted another two. By late Feb, I was fine again, and so was Bruce. His symptoms were body aches and fatigue (and a minor dry cough). I was glad he hadn’t felt as bad as I did to begin with.
When my stomach symptoms eased up, I was able to start taking some medication that I was confident would help me recover quickly. It was the same medication I was able to secure for Erin when she was sick last summer, but which were DENIED when my son was very ill the year before. I contacted America’s Frontline Doctorsonline who offered telephone appointments and called in prescriptions for HcQ (the forbidden yet tried-and-true successful therapeutic) plus a course of antibiotics to prevent any infections, all for a reasonable fee, and worth every cent. I am a life-long asthmatic, but I never became very sick. I’m so thankful for AFD!
By March 5th, I was performing on all cylinders with my band again, and we all crushed a four-hour gig!

I realize that Bruce and I were blessed not to have terrible cases of cov19. I do know that it’s real, have always taken it seriously, and I’ve lost more than one friend to the illness and also to the injection. I don’t have the answers, but my number one priority is the care and safety of my family. I will protect my children at all costs.
Most importantly, I continue to pray and look up to our Lord knowing that HE has the answers, and that He “is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE” … John 14:6.