Comments About Twins, and Our Witty Replies!

I so enjoy visiting online moms-of-twins forums. Combining my personal experiences with the experiences and topics discussed on these forums, I’ll simply never run out of discussion material to address and blog about!

A few days ago, one twins-mom named Samantha asked our group:

“What are some of the craziest stranger questions or comments you’ve received being out in public with your twins, and what were your replies?”

Oh, this is a good one! I requested the use of some of these comments for this post with the assurance that only first names would be accredited to the various comments, and my additions are in blue. So here goes:

(BTW: the last word in the green box to the left should be ANYWAY (lol))

Amber: One of the best ones I saw was when you get, “You have your hands full!” You say, “You should see my heart!” I love that one.  (If I had a DIME for every time someone said that to me, I’d have college tuition for at least one kid!)

Kimberlie: I get “how do you tell them apart?” I get this question a lot, and I always say “Because I am their mama and mama knows”.

Samantha: When people come up to me and say “Double Trouble”, I like to say “Double the Love” 🙂 (I add, double the fun!)

Heather: Well I’m sure we all get the random stranger at the store saying….“glad it’s u and not me”, to them I say “me too”!

Amy: I get “were they natural“?.. I say, well I gave birth to them …

Shelly: Ha! People ask me about the “were they natural?” question (I really think they do not realize HOW invasive a question that is!?) I usually laugh it off and say “Stay away from Barry White, track 5”. (love it!)

Michele: When I get “are they natural?” I say “well no, I had a c section, why do you ask?”

Carissa: If I get asked of we used fertility drugs, I say “does wine count?” (ha! love that, too!)

Carey: I hear the “Oh you have your hands full” and I reply with “Better full than empty” And for the “were they natural” there is a video out there called: “They Are Not Aliens”.

Michele: I like to say that “I had sex twice in one night, and once with hubby, once with, oh I’m not sure who, was it you?” i love their stunned looked. And sometimes I’ll add “if you ask a stranger an invasive personal question, you should be prepared for whatever answer you get!” (you go, girl!)

Wendy: I used to get asked all the time if my b/g twins are identical…lol Guess people don’t know what the word identical means. It used to drive me nuts! (I got that one many times with my boy/girl set … I mean, really?)

Amanda: My favorite question is: Are they twins? My response (at least what I would love to say but bite my tongue) “No I cloned my baby, that’s why they look exactly alike.”

Amy: When asked if they are twins I usually say “no they are born a month apart” and then when they ask are they girls when clearly they are both wearing bows, I just say “no they are boys but I really wanted girls”…lol! My mother in law about died when I told a lady that in a grocery store…lol (LOL)

Tammy: When my girls were toddlers and people would ask “do twins run in your family?” I would say “No, but they run all over my house!” And whenever I hear “I’m glad it’s you and not me”– I always smile and answer: “So are they!”… most people don’t catch on, which makes it all the better.

Chielo: I have two set ID twins and people always ask me if I planned to have twins. (Don’t all of us PLAN to have twins? Really?)

Bonnie: Usually when asked “are they twins” I’d tell them “no, they were having a buy one get one special at the hospital!”

Valerie: We were out trick ‘r treating with the twins and some lady walks up and gets in the babies faces to see if they are real. I told my husband if she actually asked I would tell her… nope we put 2 stuffed animals in a stroller to get candy! lol

Calley: To the “are they natural” question I always smile and say no…they are supernatural….it always makes me giggle and they kinda stop asking questions wondering if I am crazy or not….

Debora: Everywhere we go, everything we do, our identical twin girls are attention grabbers. We just plan extra time, smile, and introduce our 3yo girl and 7yo girl so they feel included. And we stress the amazing BLESSING we have. When people comment “How Cute!” to our twins, my husband says, “Well thanks, I am very cute! But what about our FOUR girls???”


Thanks ladies for your creative and clever replies. Over the years I’ve been approached just about all of the above, with a few more additions, like:

— “Are all of those YOURS? OMG, and they’re ALL TWINS? … Harold, HAROLD! Look, this woman has 3 SETS OF TWINS!!”

— “You know they figured out what causes having children …” (wow, that’s some nerve!)

— “Are they all paternal (or maternal)?” I reply, “Yes, they are FRATernal.

My advice: Have fun, just go with it, laugh it off, come up with clever come-backs, and ENJOY living the BLESSING of having TWINS!  🙂  🙂



11 thoughts on “Comments About Twins, and Our Witty Replies!

  1. Dear Fran,
    Thank you so much for this good, hearty laugh. Yes I remember people being surprised when I answered 7and 8 for # of babies. People are usually to in shock to ask me too many questions usually the “hands full” is the only comment because I am usually towing a 10, 8, 7, 5, 2yr old and 4mo old twins (oldest 20). After a day of running for speech class (5yr old), groceries, and co-op it was a delight to find you on the Naturally parenting twins 🙂

    • Hi Juliet ~
      Thank you so much for your awesome comment! Welcome to my blog!! Wow! 8 beautiful children, just wonderful … especially with twins arriving last, …so far? 😉
      I was thrilled to find Naturally Parenting Twins just today, and will definitely frequent this site.
      Thank you again for your visit and for sharing with us ~

  2. Good morning Fran.
    Your post was hilarious. What great responses to silly questions. You are not only an excellent resource to mom with multiples but a lifesaver as well. Keep the humor and wisdom coming.

  3. It’s funny the kind of questions people ask! Great answers you shared above… My question would be: how did you do it?! I want twins too 🙂

    • Hi Janice,
      Do you want to hear something funny? I was never one of those ladies that said, “Oh, I hope I have twins one day!” lol
      Due to some infertility issues my husband and I faced for many years, we sought assistance from specialists, but following only one minor attempt each time, we had twins number 1 and 2. As for set number 3? … Just an incredible, spontaneous occurrance!
      I wish you the best, and if twins are in your future, I wish you lots of joy and laughter (and sleep)!
      ~ fran

  4. haha! Thanks Fran for this post! Its always funny to see how other people react to the same questions! I’m working on my second set of twins, and its crazy the amount of attention you get, and my boys aren’t even here yet!! I remember when my girls were infants, i used to get “Oh, one boy and one girl??” Comments all the time, even though they were both in pink carseats and wearing the same pink or purple outfits! One older man asked me that once, and his wife came up and smacked his shoulder and reprimanded him with “Cant you see they’re both in pink?!” LOL. That was funny. But seriously, there’s just something curious about families with twins, let alone families with multiple sets! Dont think we’ll ever get rid of the personal questions, so its nice to keep a light heart about it, and the funny answers are fantastic!! =)

    • Hi Kimmi!
      Thanks so much for your comment! Yes, I agree that it’s important to just roll with it understanding that twins (and multiple in general), especially multiple multiples simply captivate and intrigue people! I really don’t mind it, and for the most part, enjoy the attention for having been so blessed, as most of us do!
      Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your twin boys! I know you must be excited. Please be assured that you WILL DO GREAT as the mom of multiple multiples!!
      You know, I used to enjoy when I was asked during my last pregnancy, “What baby number is this for you?”, and I’d watch their jaws drop when I’d answer: “This will be number 5 and number 6!”
      LOL! Please visit again, and pass it on to others!
      ~ fran

  5. Hi Sabine!
    I’m glad this post gave you a chuckle this morning! I have to say that this is soooo true when it comes to life with twins. The worse comment/question of all has always been the incredibly rude and personally invasive question, that people believe they can actually ask a perfect stranger, “Did you have InVitro?” or “Are they natural twins?” Just unbelievable … My guess is that because there’s so much talk about it these days that it’s assumed that it’s just a topic to freely bring up.
    If that’s acceptable conversation, what’s next? Is it: “Hi, I don’t know you, but I just have to know how many times did you have sex, and in what positions before you became pregnant?” (seriously!) lol
    Thank you for visiting … please visit again!
    Best to you,

  6. This is funny! You have a great attitude to roll with this these people. Great idea to collect these responses for a blog post.

    This my first time to this blog. I really like the topic here, and your sense of self. Looks like you have a wonderful family.

    All the best,

    Eric Walker

    • Thanks Eric! Welcome to my blog … hope you’ll visit again! Thank you for your positive feedback and for liking this particular post … it just goes with the territory of being a mom with twins!
      Best to you as well ~

  7. This is a very funny post! You made me laugh this morning! I had no clue that people would ask you this kind of silly questions…Thank you for sharing your story and in a way educating us on what NOT to say. But seriously,… are they natural? 😉

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